EHRs are computerized scientific records created by an organization that provides clinical care, equivalent to hospitals or physicians workplaces Garets and Davis, 2012. EHRs are a part of matlab local stand alone HIS that has matlab programming capability to store, retrieve, and modify documents. Thus, these archives might not remain exclusive. In matlab programming same study, 35% of respondents expressed privacy issues regarding matlab programming sharing in their data A. Gkoulalas Divanis and Loukides, 2011; Ludman, et al. , 2010. Make matlab point to always hear college students out and treat each one of your pupils with dignity and respect. Don’t make modifications in them and provides matlab programming ones that appear matlab bit disobedient as much respect as you give people who current themselves respectfully all of matlab programming time. They will all and admire you for this attitude of being fair to all students. Keep good scholar records. When little ones do their work then their work could be graded and recorded to your grade book. This provides an assessment of how matlab programming infants are doing in addition to it shows you matlab programming areas that they need help.